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General Rules

Park Ave Amusements, Inc.

X01 Dart League Rules

General Rules

  1. Foul or throwing line is to be set with the front edge of the line (closest to the machine) exactly 8 feet (96”) measured horizontally from the face of the board.

  2. All players must throw from behind the front side of the foul line. Players may lean over the line, but must stand with their feet behind the front edge of the foul line.

  3. Each player has a maximum of three (3) darts thrown per turn. Players have the option of passing all or any of their throws.

  4. Any dart thrown counts as a throw, whether or not it is registered on the machine. A throw count if it hit the board and bounces out, or if it misses the board completely. A player may not throw any darts over again.

  5. Darts must be thrown only when the machine instructs to “throw darts” and proper player’s number must be lit.

  6. A player may not touch the board or the darts on the board until the “player change” button has been activated.

  1. If a player is not present at the start of their match, that player will forfeit their game. Please be considerate of your fellow dart players. Do not leave the location after 7:00 p.m.


  1. Each player is required to pay $6.00 dues per week during preseason, regular season and playoffs. Players will be paid at the end of the season for their wins. Pay-out per win is determined once all league supplies, administrative fees, and banquet expenses are deducted.

  2. An administrative fee will be charged each week in the amount of .50 per player. Administration is responsible for keeping up to date stats, picking up score sheets, delivering stats, updating league website and other social media, preparing packets of league supplies for the season, attending meetings, maintaining running balance of all income & expenses and creating a report for the league, creating schedule for the season, ordering trophies & plaques and making award certificates for players for the banquet, tallying all player wins at end of season for pay back, etc.

  3. All monies minus expenses (administrative fees, gas, and league supplies) will be used for the cost of the player recognition banquet. The location of the winning team will host the player recognition banquet and will be paid $12 per person for dinner. They will be paid for all regular players plus two subs for each team. They will be paid an additional $100 for beer. The remaining money will be used to pay for the trophies, plaques, award certificates, 1st and 2nd place prize money, and player wins.


  1. Rosters are due into the secretary by the 2nd week of regular season.

  2. One pick up player (that is not on the roster) per team is allowed to play in regular season. Pick up players are not allowed in playoffs. Subs must have at least 3 weeks of play in (preseason and regular season count) to qualify to play in playoffs.

  3. All subs may be shared in preseason and regular season.  Once a sub plays for one team in playoffs they cannot play on another.

  4. If a player becomes sick or injured during their turn, the opposing team’s captain may choose another player to fill in if they so choose.


  1. The dart machine automatically scores darts thrown. The dart does not have to stick in the board for the dart to score.

  2. The score registered by the machine will be the score the player will receive. The machine’s score is accepted as always being correct.

  3. A thrown dart that does not register a score (ex. A dart that was thrown before “Throw Darts” was lit) will not receive a score. A player may not manually score any dart.

  4. When playing in teams, the game is complete when any player reaches (0), with the lowest combined score winning. In case of a tie, the team who reaches (0) first wins.

  5. If a tie of 6-6 occurs in playoffs, a tie breaker game of 501 must be played.

All 4 players must play in the 501 tie breaker game (2 players in 1st position, 2 players in 2nd position, 2 players in 3rd position, 2 players in 4th position)

  1. Freeze rules apply during 501 tie breaker game.

  2. If there is uncertainty about a rule during a championship game, call Kelly at (814)350-5474 or Tommy at (814)795-1240 or (814)807-1199 immediately to clarify. Captain’s – Do not sign paperwork or concede until a decision is made.


The following points constitute fouls – The commission of a foul may lead to: loss of turn, loss of game, loss of match, expulsion from tournament or league, expulsion from tournament site or tavern, or expulsion from future tournaments or leagues. All decisions concerning fouls will be made by tournament officials (referees or directors).

  1. Distracting behavior by opponents while a player is throwing is not allowed and constitutes a foul. Throwing on an uncoined board is considered a distraction.

  2. The player shooting may not leave the “throw area” after a dart have been thrown. Any player leaving the “throw area” after a dart has been thrown has committed a foul and forfeits any remaining darts in that turn.

  3. If either foot crosses the throw line prior to the game recording the score or the dart reaching the board, it constitutes a foul. Minor foot foul (less than 2” over): deserves first warning to player. Major or repeated foot foul: 1) Shooter may not win match in round where foul has occurred. 2) His partner may not win match on his next turn. 3) Shooter will lose 3 darts on his next turn.

  4. Intentional stalling or unnecessary delay of match as judged by a referee constitutes a foul.

  5. If a player reaches zero in a round in which that player or that player’s partner committed a foul, that player (team) loses that game.

  6. It is each player’s responsibility to see that the machine is displaying the appropriate player’s number prior to throwing any darts. If the player throws while the machine is displaying an opponent’s number, this constitutes a foul.



  1. If the player has thrown less than three darts the machine is advanced to his correct position by use of the “player change” button and he is allowed to throw his remaining darts. The game then proceeds normally with the opponent shooting next and so on. Example: Player two throws 2 darts on player three before the infraction is noticed. At that point the game is advanced to player two; he throws his third dart (thereby allowing him to throw only one dart on his number). The game is then advanced to player three and play resumes normally with player three allowed his full complement of three darts on his turn.

  2. If the player throws all three of his darts on his opponent’s number before the infraction is noticed, he has completed his turn and the machine is advanced to the proper order (his opponent’s number) and the game proceeds normally. Example: Player two throws all three darts on player three before the infraction is noticed. Game is advanced to player three who then gets this full complement of three darts and the game proceeds normally. If a player throws out of turn and ends game on that turn, his team loses that game.

  1. If a player throws when the machine is displaying the number of that player’s partner, it constitutes a foul. If player has thrown all three darts, his turn is completed. Machine is then advanced to correct player position and play resumes, except that both players from infracting team lose next turn. If player has thrown less than three darts when infraction is noticed, machine is advanced to his correct player position, and he is allowed to throw the remainder of his 3 darts. Machine is then advanced to correct position and play resumes, except both players from infracting team lose next turn. If the player reaches zero while shooting on his partner’s number, that team loses that game.

  2. Any player throwing out of turn as dictated by match schedule has committed a foul. Example: H2 and H3 are supposed to be playing this game. H4 throws in either position, but is not supposed to be playing.

  1. If all four players have thrown 3 darts (completed first turn) foul represents loss of game.

  2. If all foul players have not thrown 3 darts when infraction is noticed, game will be started over, with player/team committing the foul paying quarters to re-start the game.

  1. Manually scored points: On opponents score: constitutes a foul. Advance player change to correct player position and continue play, except that player who caused machine to manually score loses next turn. On player’s own score or team score constitutes a foul. Advance player change to correct player position and continue play, except that both players from that team lose next turn.

  2. Machine Reset (Tilt): If a machine resets due to power failure or other reason beyond player control, game will be started over (replayed from start) on another machine if machine problem exists, or on same machine if problem is repaired/resolved. Any machine reset (Tilt, etc.) due to intentional or non-intentional player action shall result in loss of game for the team committing the action.

  3. Abuse of equipment, poor sportsmanship or unethical conduct, as judged by a league coordinator or tournament official may constitute a foul and may be grounds for forfeiture of game, forfeiture of match, expulsion from tournament or league, expulsion from tournament site or tavern, expulsion from future tournaments or leagues, forfeiture of funds and further prosecution.

  1. If a player is observed being aggressive with the dart board (whipping darts at the board, hitting the board), that player will forfeit all of their games for unsportsmanlike behavior. Whipping darts can cause problems with the matrix of the dartboard. In turn, errors in scorekeeping will be observed and this causes a lot of frustration for all of the dart players. Please be respectful of the equipment at all locations. The machines are quite expensive and can be very time-consuming to fix.

  1. If a player reaches zero on any turn in which he or his partner commits a foul, that player or that player’s team loses the game.

  2. Any player or team that has a third foul called against them shall lose that game.

  3. Players may use their own darts if they meet the following specifications:

  1. They must be plastic tip darts

  2. Flights may be any length as long as dart does not exceed 8” in total length. Flights may be no wider than ¾”, as measured from shaft to flight edge, and may not have more than four (4) “wings”.

  3. Complete dart must not exceed 16 grams in weight.

  4. Darts may not have broken or cut off tips.

  5. Darts will be inspected by protest.

  1. Any player found to be using overweight or otherwise illegal darts shall cause the entire team to forfeit all games in the match in which they are currently shooting. This means all games up to the point at which the protest was made. The match will then continue with all players using darts which meet tournament qualifications. Any protest about weight of darts must be made during a match, and will not be allowed once a match has been completed.

  2. Disregard of any rules may constitute a foul.

  3. All decisions by league coordinator or directors will be final.

Park Ave Amusements, Inc.

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